The RIMA Network finishes but the RIMA Alliance begins bigger, stronger and more experienced!

The very successful EU project RIMA NETWORK closes after four years and a half of work towards closing the market gap. In its place, the project partners have built something greater that will work beyond the scope of the project itself the RIMA alliance with the collaboration of institutions such as the European Commission, euRobotics, ADRA, Sprint Robotics and BDVA.


In the shape of an alliance, the network that has supported 50 robotics experiments with 8 million euros, will keep pushing on the adoption of robotics applications for inspection and maintenance in the European Union. It will be working around the same sectors as the project did during this 54 months:


  • Energy generation and distribution. Off shore, on-shore, renewables, supply and generating facilities.
  • Road, rail, and infrastructures connected to cities. Bridges, tunnels,transport systems trams, track and trackside equipment, rolling stock, stations,
  • Nuclear infrastructure, including decommissioning, waste disposal, maintenance and life extension.
  • Water and waste processing. Clean water storage and distribution, waste infrastructure and processing. Covering dams, reservoirs and natural water resources.
  • Hubs, ports, airports and inter changes, waste management and fixed infrastructure
  • Oil and Gas extraction, refining and distribution infrastructure, including off-shore infrastructure and decommissioning.


The profile of new members includes DIHs, RTOs, Certification bodies, Universities, End users, investors and even civil society organizations. Around them, the RIMA Alliance will make use of the synergies between its Members to stimulate exchange between them and third parties active in the concerned field to organise dedicated workshop series, encourage collaboration such as joint research actions between its Members and third parties including joint publications, roadmaps or white papers.



Further, will propose education and training actions, fostering secondment between its Members; state of the art studies; and will keep growing by identifying stakeholders and their needs to expand its catalogue of skills and competence to answer needs of members and markets, Also, the alliance will work to propose a coordinated access to realistic inspection infrastructures; on organising and providing services through the Member in a coordinated manner; undertaking activities to support policy makers, including EC and professional associations, all to underpin regulation and standardisation through research, knowledge transfer and services whilst gaining EU leadership and recognition in international ecosystems.


The RIMA alliance will be presented officially on the 19th of June, 2023 in Naples, hosted by CREATE DIH powered by Bruno Siciliano. The agenda will be as follows and is open to whoever might be interested:


  • 16:30 Welcome and Presentation of RIMA Network and its results – Christophe Leroux, project coordinator (CEA) + Panagiotis Karagiannis, technical manager (LMS)
  • 16:50 RIMA alliance purpose, goals and joining – Christophe Leroux (CEA) + Ebert Van Vonderen (TUKE)
  • 17:10 Q&A Session – Christophe Leroux – CEA – Project Coordinator
  • 17:30 ETAPAS AI ACT – Giovanna Galasso – Intellera Consulting
  • 17:40 Sectorial Challenges – Sprint Robotics – To be confirmed
  • 17:50 conclusion, next steps and opportunities – Christophe Leroux (CEA)


In the near future, the process of joining the Alliance will be fully digitally supported by the Alliance website which is at the moment under construction. For all information, please follow our social media channels:



For the time being, we are following a tailored approach process to collect interest from external parties and information for our administration. To register your interest and information, please send an email to or



In both cases, we, The RIMA Alliance would like to invite you to attend next 19th of June presentation as well as to apply to join our Alliance and look forward to receiving your answers through the questionnaire. After receiving your responses, your application will be evaluated with recommendations for finalisation of the joining process.


See you all on the Alliance side!

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